Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Wake up in the morning fellin' like P. Diddy....kinda
Hanna was so wired last night but this morning she fell asleep in front of her laptop...

Where we are staying in Prague!
You can't see but the bus stop window says 'Frog'


Lamppost it looks like eyeballs

Some king...We finally have a English speaking tour guide and I don't remember what she said...Sorry
The City of Prague really is all it's cracked up to be!
The ice breakers that they don't need anymore.

Water level in 2002
Water level in 1890

The millers put this in and you can walk across it...well theoretically
Hanna, Me, and Cherish who is not posing right.
Hanna,Who is looking at the wrong camera, Me, and Cherish
Hanna, Me with my eyes closed and Cherish with her eyes closed
The in entrance Channels Bridge
A collage
A monastery
Bridge tower, So King Charles the 4th built this because they had a bridge that when the 'wild water' would flood it would take out the bridge so Charlie decided instead of repairing the old one he would tear it down and rebuild a new one. He asked his astronomers for advice on making the bridge last. They told him to start building it on The 9th of July 1357 at 5:31 am and if he did, it would survive through the years and someday there would be more foreigners than has since survived hundreds of disasters and there are more tourist than Czech citizens.
The ceiling of the bridge tower.
Me on the bridge!
Me with out the tourist dude.
One of the many statues lining the bridge
Walking on the bridge
View from the bridge

Little monkey cart money with a stuffed monkey
Me and a lamppost on the bridge
The wind is making some wonderful things happen to my hair.

Ice breaker for when the river would freeze however the dam that was built in the country up river made it so the river won't ever freeze in this spot again.

This is Saint John Nepomuk who was the man who the Queen told her secrets to in confession. The King wanted to know her secrets but St John refused. After 3 times of asking the King threw him into the river killing him. His body was found a month later because of the 5 stars on his head and it was discovered that while he was dead, his tough was still alive and that was taken as a sign that he had kept his secret. and if you touch his statue with a secret wish he will take it straight to God for you. I touched it.
The view from the End of the bridge.

People this is where Mission Impossible was filmed!!!

The Devils channel
007 was filmed here :)
And I am standing here!

Our tour guide telling us not to put locks on the bridges
And that's called devils channel because it was the palace

Streets of Prague
What's everyone looking at?
A statues that peas text messages into the water...I have nothing to add to that

The only part of the river that is ucorrupted
I love fall!
Swans on the beach
Prague through the trees

Weeping willow!

Charles bridge

Too close a little too close.

The sun is starting to go down...
And the lights start turning on.

Jewish cemetery

The top one is normal and the bottom is Hebrew
The most expensive street in Prague

This bag is 26,000 crowns the average monthly salary of Czech citizens is 23,000

Old town Square

They smelled so bad I felt so bad for them.

24 of these represent people who were exicuted.

A Man made is amazing clock way before the technology was ever thought of, well the royals he made it for, didn't want him to ever build another one of anyone else. So the blinded him. He was so mad he found a young boy who broke into the clock and broke it so it wouldn't work anymore. It took centuries to get it working again.  

Amadeus!!! This is the theater Mozart played in!!
People of Prague LOVE him. if he had stayed here he would have died a rich man.
He was berried in a mass grave in Vienna. But when people of Prague found out about his death they held a funeral for him and over 3,000 people showed up to pay him respect.

This is where Amadeus was filmed also!
Looking back at it!


Where we had dinner.
A renascence band

Prague at night
Ok good night city of Prague I will be back.

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