Monday, October 15, 2012

My Ukraine

So this is 'My' Ukraine the things I see everyday, the little weird things that make this experience all my own.
 These are Crows I saw on my way to the school...
 Gray and black crows is a new thing for me I don't know about you
 This is a cool bridge on my way to ELE on Tuesdays.
 Couldn't quite get the bus to stop in the middle.
 Me waiting patiently for my drive to take me to ELE.
Be there by 11am huh?
Me waiting not-so-patiently for me driver, 
 The bridge I live under while waiting for my ELE driver...

 This is Wednesday's ELE school...(no driver I take the bus...I prefer the driver)
 Look how the leaves change It;s awesome!

 Waiting at the bus stop with the other Planet girls! Wednesday night

 Thursday morning. It's better if you look up.
 My walk from the bus stop to the school.
 This 'park' behind the bus stop.
 The bus stop I spent over an hour at waiting for the stupid 46!
 Still waiting... And missing my Russian lessons
 Yep you guessed it still waiting...
 The other side of the bus stop...Still waiting...Come on Russian lessons...
 Still waiting...
 still waiting
 Oh look its...NOT my bus...
 I eventually make it on a 46 this is from the window.
 Just a cool old building I see everyday
The cross walk signs

 Not sure what happened here...
 Ha, A land mark so I know I'm on the right bus!
 And the most important part of "my" Ukraine is these girls
 I would have gone crazy had it not been for these ladies so Thanks for keeping me Sane!
Mallory, Kylie, Afton, (Erika), Alexis,(Samantha)
 The back of Samantha's head, Alexis, Erika
 Let's all have Shwarma's together!
 Me, Alisha, Erika, Hanna, Jenna, Cherish,
So that is the day to day life here in Ukraine, Lots of pretty sights lots of waiting and lots of fun people! Welcome to Ukraine 

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