Tuesday, September 4, 2012


So my roommate, Erika, and I got on the wrong bus yesterday after our first (rather hectic) day of teaching. No big deal. We got off and got on the right bus within a few minuets. Once on the bus, it was pretty crowded and there were no ticket checkers. But Erika bought her ticket anyway. Then a man started talking rather loudly at...He was still smiling so we didn't think much of but then she punched the holes in the ticket (exactly what you do on the buses here) and the man started, happily, yelling at her again she looked at me, a few feet and about 6 people away,
"How do you say it again?" she asked me.
"Yoni Poni Myo." (NOT how it's spelled but how it sounds) meaning 'I do not understand.' When she repeated it to the man he seemed even more pleased.
A few people got off the bus and the man kept talking some people (manly the sitting in the chair in front of me) started laughing at what he was saying.
"Yoni Poni Myo." we just repeated as he tried to now talk to both of us.
Once more people got off he started asking people if they spoke English. (like seriously everyone around) finally a cute, well dressed man, behind me took out his headphones and said "Da."  (meaning yes) and looked at me I, having nothing to say to the jolly man, just shrugged and asked what he was saying. I figured it was something about how no one pays to ride the bus this late (just cause no one else seems to).
The cute guy leaned close to my ear and whispered in a very serious voice.
"He is a very stupid man." I started cracking up! It was so far from what I was expecting. The Jolly man and like half the bus were laughing at me. Erika, who had been laughing the whole time, wanted to know what he said, but I couldn't stop laughing long enough to tell her. It was SO funny. And it felt so good to laugh in one of the most serious cities in the world. Laughing in public is like talking in a movie theater here, it's just not done.
So to have a full bus of people laughing was pretty great.
The well dressed guy was So nice and trying to make us feel better as the jolly man kept asking us questions that we couldn't answer, and getting a little too close to Erika for her comfort.
And every time the Jolly man would ask him translate something for him he'd say,  
"Typical," and smile.
 "He likes to drink a lot, He is a typical Ukrainian man.Typical Ukrainian drunk." That's when I noticed Mr' jolly flicking two fingers on his chin (the Ukrainian code for I'm drunk)
 We were laughing do hard now and tons of people had got off, (not sure if it was there stop or if they just wanted away from the spectacle), so we could sit down.

 "He likes flirting, Stupid. Very very stupid man. Very typical."
Finally the well dressed man Said "Good luck girls," and the doors opened to his stop.
And Erika yelled "NO, don't go!" I started laughing even harder.
 He looked me and said "I'm sorry girls, good luck, good bye,"
Luckily our stop was next and we got off.
And Mr. Jolly said Thank you very very!"

It was the funniest ride home.

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