Saturday, January 29, 2011

So Now is better than Then

So here is where I'm at- I am doing so much better! I have finished school (Yay me!!) and am now a Freelance writer (kinda...) I am, however, unemployed living alone at my M&D's house in Mesa, (they still live at the ranch) which is fine for now. Writing everyday-ish and just doing my own thing.
People in my life are good. Josh is my newest best Friend who I met last March. We dated for like a second, ended that and have been best buds ever since! We've had our up's and downs, but over all I am really happy to have a friend like him, he keeps me sane and makes life fun. In the less then a year that I've known him I have learned more about myself and the world then I ever have before. I don't know how I would have made it through 2010 without him.
My oldest brother Heath moved away to UT. I miss him a lot but I just know he is in the right place doing what's best for him.
E got married...that's all I have to say about that. (If you can't say nothing nice...)
I have been doing a lot more Cakes and I really like it. Christmas was cool we had it at Frog's new house I got lots off cool stuff including a Cake cricket!! Which I can't wait to use but we haven't had any orders since then. (bummer)
Well that's the short rap up of what you missed. I am doing good. I just keep praying for it to stay that way and/or improve!!

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