Tuesday, December 20, 2011

3 miles...1 hour

So as part of my goals to "become" a finisher I have been walking 3miles everyday-ish.
Now when I say walking I mean Walking... I wanted to start out running but took one jiggly bounce forward and realized that was not happening any time soon!
So I walk my 3 miles going down 3 differnet sections on the canal and I want to get the most out of it so I get my mine on the workout focus on breathing in through the nose out the mouth. Chanting in my head things like: I fat is melting off my body, air is inters easily into my lungs and my heart pumps blood effortlessly!
Well as I a stungling to to not get winded as I do this. A runner my hight with, I kid you not, 0% bodyfat. She sprints right passed me doesn't even notice! Then as I watch disapaer into the distance I notice she takes the canal that is blocked off at the other end and I know she is going to have to turn around. ( I don't know if she knew that or not) so I make my way down to the side of the canal that pops out near my house and I took maybe 10 steps on this canal before I see her! She had already gone don to the end and turned around and passed me going the other direction before I even made to the passed the little gate thing!!! I was, as I'm sure you would, discouraged! I kept walkling chanting to myself...But ready I was ready to clothesline the twing! So I will now be walking at a diffrent time of day. that is until I can make my 3 miles in 15min instead of an hour....Well this is just a step right I will have many more on my jounry to health. I will be that skinny little runner who we all hate to see....well I will have still have my girly curves (thats part of my chant:) but will someday be happy to run 3 miles. I can't wait for the day!
So this is one way t o get motivation! What is something that has motivated you?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Today is now, tomorrow is not, and yesterday never was.

I noticed that my fashion changes with my mood. As does my hair color!
I feel I will alway see myself as a blonde. Happy, strong, stand out, and fearless with nothing to worry about. However my hair is a burgandy color, because I am on a mission.
I am determined to be better. Determined to find out what is missing and fix it. Ready. Ready to put my head down and just Go!
I want push limits I have unwittingly put on myself.
I want my health to improve. I am walking 3 miles (almost) everyday.
I want my writing to improve. I am signing for "fundamentals of writing" this week.
I want to see the world. I am saving up to get my passport.
Yep I am not a blonde who can relax and enjoy the spoils of a war not fought.
I'm dark haired warrior on a mission to better her world.
You may be asking why my hair color is somehow important enough to make it on to a blog... The truth is...it isn't.
Its just a way of reminding myself everytime I look in the mirror and miss my blonde locks, that I am determined to reach my goals. So I can lay back and enjoy who I have become.
I challange you to find something that makes you remember your goals everyday. And tell me about it!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm back again

So I am in Mesa, for who knows how much longer as my house will be gone in January.

I am still good friends with Josh.

I no long speak with E.

Heath is doing great in UT.

Marlo is pregnant with a little baby boy!

Coltons wife Meghan gave birth to my first Niece, Thae Olivia Flake. Red headed and so cute!

And As for me, I am working (that's good news) I am a sales representative at Space Age Auto Paint. Even have cards to prove it!

I'm single. Which is fine for now. Still writing and trying to stay positive. It's working so far. I miss Heath but I got to see him last month.

I'm going to go back to school. Just more writing classes as I'm sure you've noticed I need help with grammar and spelling. Hopefully I will be able to get a good recommendation for an adventure I hope I will be blogging about soon. But for now I will keep you all in suspense. I went to Time Out For Women and the theme was "Choose to Become" and what is it I chose to become?
A finisher. I have been a quitter for a very long time (like since childhood). I want to be the type of person who sets a goal and reaches it, who starts a project and finishes it, and who has a dream and Makes it come true.
I am ready for a new chapter in my life. Not to disregard any of the old chapters, but to simply keep this story moving.
AWWE feels so good!
There was a long period of time where I never thought I would ever say this again. But I am stronger now.
So, once again, I am here, and I am happy to be me.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

So Now is better than Then

So here is where I'm at- I am doing so much better! I have finished school (Yay me!!) and am now a Freelance writer (kinda...) I am, however, unemployed living alone at my M&D's house in Mesa, (they still live at the ranch) which is fine for now. Writing everyday-ish and just doing my own thing.
People in my life are good. Josh is my newest best Friend who I met last March. We dated for like a second, ended that and have been best buds ever since! We've had our up's and downs, but over all I am really happy to have a friend like him, he keeps me sane and makes life fun. In the less then a year that I've known him I have learned more about myself and the world then I ever have before. I don't know how I would have made it through 2010 without him.
My oldest brother Heath moved away to UT. I miss him a lot but I just know he is in the right place doing what's best for him.
E got married...that's all I have to say about that. (If you can't say nothing nice...)
I have been doing a lot more Cakes and I really like it. Christmas was cool we had it at Frog's new house I got lots off cool stuff including a Cake cricket!! Which I can't wait to use but we haven't had any orders since then. (bummer)
Well that's the short rap up of what you missed. I am doing good. I just keep praying for it to stay that way and/or improve!!