Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm Back at the Ranch! I only wish it was not under these circumstances My Grandpa passed away after everything after so many miracles. Well I know he is in a better place but what about us the ones left standing with our mouths hung open, wondering how we could all be so wrong. I spent the majority of the last few months living in Sun City in order to help my Grandma with whatever she needed. I wanted out I'll admit but not this way... I loved my Grandpa he was such a good man. I only hope I can make him Proud by the life I live.I want to move on. I love you Grandpa and some I know I will see you again in the meantime I will miss you.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I am in Cleveland helping my Grandpa recover from a Lung transplant! I miss my home but I'm glad I'm here. This computer does not let me put pictures on but I feel like I should do more with this blog its such an easy way to keep updated.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Grandpa Baker!

I'm in Cleveland with my Grandpa Baker who just got a lung transplant at the Cleveland Clinic. this picture is of before the transplant. he had some ups and downs but now after havingthe new lung for around two months Dr.Budev says there are no signs of rejection and the lung is working Beautiful. Hopefully I will get to see some of Cleveland before I leave. Now that Grandpa is feeling better I don't feel gulity.
Hope all is well back home.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!!!

So March 6th 2009 was my 22nd birthday and me and my Mom came down to Mesa (my dad was in NM), where Marlo and Scott, Heath and Eliseo all had a party for me with two cakes ( that I didn't have to make) and since Colton and Meghan couldn't be there (they had a wedding in Texas) they gave me a bunch of stuff like a Batman blanket and hair stuff and files for my school work and just a bunch of super awesome stuff that I just love. Marlo and scott got me an Elvis Book and a Batman Hoodie (Love it!) and the list go's on. So Eliseo who had been my boyfriend for a grand total of 4 days at that point got me the Cutest shoes ever and a beautiful jewlry box with two beautiful necklesses in it. Am I spoiled or what!?! I love it! then we went to Pei Wei (I had ever been there but I loved it) then we went bowling and Marine came with some frinds and we just had a blast it was way fun! I love Birthdays especially mine!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Family

Check out the People I hang out with! This was at Thanksgiving. My family is the most important thing in the world to me I love spending time with my Brothers and my sister. And since I'm living with my M&D I have to get along with them or else I'd go crazy. My Grandpa Baker is great he and grandma Baker are the best ever!! E is my friend who goes to all my extended family functions with me! Well not really me more like, with my whole family since he and my brother, Colton, are good friends and he and my Mom have a lot in common. Not to mention he is living with both my brothers.