Monday, June 24, 2019

3 Steps to Better Relationships

3 steps to better relationships.

Step 1.
Pray to see people how God sees them.
God is a loving God. He is the father of that dirtbag who broke your heart. He is the father of that horrible woman who used you. He loves them. And when you pray to see them how he sees them you will simply see them as someone you can easily forgive. And if you can forgive someone for hurting you in the past then they won't have the power to hurt you as you move on with your life.
If you are in a relationship it is so important you pray for your partner. See them how God sees them, see them as someone you are affecting, not just someone who is affecting you.

Step 2
Find 1 good thing about every person of the opposite sex that you see.
If you're single and want a better dating and relationship experience, every time you see a girl or guy look for 1 good thing about them.
If you're a guy and see a girl, sure she is not someone who you'd want to date, not attractive to you, let's say. Still look for 1 thing you like about her. Her look, her style, her talents, her sense of humor. Find one thing and move on to the next girl. Same if you're a girl you meet a guy, he's not your type, what does he have that you like? What could you sincerely compliment him with if the opportunity arrived? Then move on to the next person.
What this does is changes your mind into looking for the good in people and helps you get out of your own way when the right person actually does come along. It also makes you a more pleasant person to be around so your chances of being attractive to said perfect match is much better.

Step 3
Cut the crap. You can't read minds. You can't make others decisions for them. Don't lie to yourself.
There is a lie in the female world that if you read between the lines of a tweet, a text, a status, or even a comment made in person, enough then you'll know some deeper meaning, behind what he is saying… its crap. You can't read his mind. He is not trying to get you to read his mind. And the fact that you think you can read his mind leads you to do things that require him to read your mind. And he can't read your mind. You know you do it.
Guys, girls are bombarded with the idea they have to be independent and can't rely on men, it's crap,  but it's what you're up against. Girls want to be held, loved, respected, they want to be mothers, they want to be romanced but, we are told that's brainwashing and we need to be strong and independent and therefore cold and indifferent. Its crap. Be patient while she tries to balance the lies and her actual desires. Every guy is different. Every girl is different. Every relationship is different. Be patient. Cut the crap and be honest with people. Be honest with yourself. Why are you doing what you're doing? If your reason is crap, then stop doing it. Don't lie to yourself.

3 steps to better work experiences

Step 1
Pray to see people how God sees them. Do you deal with coworkers? Patrons? Customers? Bosses? Pray in the morning to keep an eternal perspective. And throughout the day repeat it.
Yes, that loud woman who demands to see your manager when you've said 3 times they don't come in on Saturdays is a loved daughter of God. And she is most likely having a bad day. Pray for her. And see her how you know Heavenly Father sees her. It won't make her go away but, trust me it helps.

Step 2
Find 1 good thing about every person you see. Your co workers, your customers, and your bosses all have good qualities. Find one each day and move on to the next person, you'll see how your attitude towards them changes.

Step 3
Cut the crap. Don't lie to yourself. There is good and bad in every job we do. Don't let drama, stress, gossip, or other people's problems ruin you. And remember you're never 'stuck' anywhere. The belief that there is no way out or things can't get better,  is crap. Every situation can be improved. And you can always change your feelings and that can change a lot. Don't lie to yourself.

3 steps to better spiritual experiences (see if you notice a pattern)

Step 1
Pray to see people how God sees them. Duh. Pray for your ward members. Pray to see them not as annoying, not as pushy, and not as a problem to fix. Pray to see them as God sees them. As loved, beautiful, and part of your covenant path.

Step 2
Find 1 good thing about every person you see. About your local leaders, what is one good thing about that bishop who told you're not temple worthy, or one good thing about the stake leader who makes rude comments without realizing it? Find one good thing about that sexist woman who tells you she doesn't your help. Find one good thing about the people in your congregation that you don't know. And most importantly what's one good thing about leaders higher in the church. The 12, the prophet, even the 70. People are flawed. God has only ever had imperfect people to work with, find 1 good thing about them every day.

Step 3
Cut the crap.
Don't lie to yourself. You're not better off without the gospel. You're not better off without the church. You're not better off without Christ in your life. Straying from the covenant path might make life suck or it might just be different and you're doing just fine. But you're not better off. And neither are those you love. Don't lie to yourself.

What any thoughts or comments leave them down below!
If you try this I'd love to hear about your experiences!

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