Monday, September 10, 2012

Ukraine again

 Erika and her cough medicine AKA honey,
 Me trying to take a picture of a round window...night time not a good shot...

 My School, we enter the door to the left (and yes the go to different places)
 Out front of our school...or out back I'm not sure if we are in the rear of the school or not?
 The side of the School (didn't look like this when we first arrived)
 Above Erika's least something feels like home haha :)

Kiev Temple last week

 Me teaching Drama
 Navar, Lisa, Dasha, Nikita, Olya
 Lisa is wearing a big blue bow I made!
 Navar like sto have his picture taken
 Now you can see the bow in Lisa hair

 The duck bill I made for the story,

 Lining up to play golf,

 Navar golfing...badly
 Let's try again,
 Nikita's turn
 He just liked waving the golf club I made around,

 Ok that's enough of that

 Lisa was cute, she almost got it in everytime
 the huge Ghetto Costco type store called I think Awah..
 if you are wondering what that pile of brown stuff is its cookies piles and piles of cookies.
 You scream I scream we all scream for Ice a tube
 Yes, giant tubes of ice cream how has the US lived without them?
 That is me getting one temple closer to my life long goal!
 windows of the temple,
 window's of the temple
 House of the Lord Holiness of the Lord

 That's for Dad! Yes that is a public trash can and yes that is a cat food bag.

 In case you ever looked at the center of a round-a-bout and thought "we could put a shopping center in there...well this is how you do it.

 the LOUDEST BUS EVER this little part squeaks like no other!
 Why wait perfectly good clothesline space?

Colton this is for you :) this is a sticker on some guys car. This is my Ukraine.

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