Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How To Train Your Man

Girls: Session One

Be a lady and so they can be a gentleman.

Girls complain that there are no gentlemen left and that chivalry is dead. To this I say,
Really? When was the last time you waited until a guy opened your door? When was the last time you used proper manners at the table? (I'll give you a dollar if you can point out a salad fork) When was the last time you acted like a lady?

Why is it that girls can say "Act like a gentleman," and men must hop-to-it, but if a guy were to say "Act like a lady," it would be taken as some horrific insult?

*Because he is a gentleman and you are not a lady, that's why.* ...Cough... Moving on.

Let men be gentlemen.  It's not that you can't do it for yourself. It's that men need opportunities to practice if they are ever to become true gentleman.

If a guy asks to carry your things LET HIM.
If a guy asks to pay for your food LET HIM.
If a guy tries to open your door LET HIM.
If a guy compliments you LET HIM!
If a guy tries to help you LET HIM.

Again, it doesn't mean you're helpless it means that you trust him. And men need women to put more faith in the them.Expect great things and you'll see great things. 

 In order for men to be men, women must be women. The more we pervert the soft and hard roles of women and men, the more low-class jerks we create.

Lastly on this subject, DRESS like a lady. 
You can't attract a 'good man' when you're dressed like a 'bad girl'.
In short:
You dress like a slut, and you'll attract guys who are looking for sluts. The math really is that simple.


Have Fun Dating girls

End of Session One

Saturday, January 11, 2014

We Had One Job Ladies, One Job!

                                                     One job girls; we have one job!
As the girl it's our job to let the guy know: We're interested.  No guy likes to ask a girl out if he doesn't know she'll say yes. Now, some guys are brave and take the leap in spite of our epic failure to communicate. But, let's face it, those heroic studs are hard to come by. So girls, do your job, let him know you're interested.

HOW? You ask me (and a lot of you have)

A lot of you may have heard of something called "Playing hard to get." It's a fun game we girls play because boys like the thrill of the chase...
A lot of you may take the direct approach leaving nothing to their imagination about how you feel because guys love confidence...
 Well if you are reading this because you're still single then here's a hint: Whatever your strategy is, it ain't working!
Take a page from the other book.
Your job, and you only have one, is to communicate how you feel, without scaring the wits out of the poor guy.

Step 1) Know how you feel.
If you're confused about what you want, just imagine the headache he's having trying to figure you out!
So before you go all eyelashes and lipstick on some guy decide. Are you 'open to seeing where this leads' or  'Ready to have some babies' or simply 'not that interested.' After you've figured that out, and only after, you can proceed to step two.

Step 2) Figure out how YOU communicate best.
All girls have a go-to move. If it stops working (or never really started working) then CHANGE IT UP.

If you seem to scare guys away by your forwardness than Calm Yourself. Let things happen more naturally this time.
And don't get so attached that you have a break down every time a guy doesn't fall madly in love with your crazy-self. Give him time. Let it sink in. And if it don't happen; relax, you'll love again. The world isn't ending.

If you can't seem to get the time of day from a guy then Come on Stronger. Stop waiting for him to crack the code and SPELL IT OUT.
 If you get Friend Zoned more often than not, then put a stop to it. Tell yourself (and him) that you have enough friends and what you need is more romance. The more used to being Friend Zoned you get the more often it will happen to you. Nip it in the bud.

Step 3) Be Honest, Not Crazy.
Being dishonest is the thing we girls are best at. We say No when we mean Yes. We say Yes when we mean No. We say "I'm hungry" when we really mean "Pull over and buy me food."
But when it comes to telling the opposites sex that how we feel- We gotta learn to be honest, not crazy, Honest!
If you don't like someone be honest "The Chemistry just isn't there for me." Short. Quick. To the point. Don't drag it out.
If you do like someone be honest NOT Crazy.Chemistry is good, but it's not love.

If you feel chemistry and want to let him know, there is a right way and a crazy way.
I like you.
I like this about you,_____
I want to get to know you better.
You make me feel good about myself.
I'm glad you asked me out.
I like your shirt, hair, tie ect
That color looks good on you.

I think I love you.
Our kids would be so cute.
I feel like you're the one.
You're such a great guy and the fact that you're into someone like me means so much to me.
Other guys have never treated me as good as you.
You're so much better than my Ex-Boyfriend.

Letting him know you like him doesn't have to be a production it just has to be clear.

Step 4) Get Noticed
Don't be offended if he doesn't see the miracle that is your awesomeness right away. Remember it's your job to show him!
Just remember your FACTS of getting noticed


Flirt- Let him know you're flirting, eye contact, smile, make cute jokes, laugh, wink, whatever.

Ask- Ask him questions then listen to the answers, what's he looking for, what has he had in the past that he did/didn't like. Interest, hobbies ect

Compliment- Find something you like and say it out loud. Smaller things like looks and hair style you can say in public with a flirty smile. Deeper things say in a one on one conversation looking him  in the eyes and smiling.  

Touch- Cross the touch barrier as soon as possible. Arm; linger on the elbow. Shoulder; get closer to his neck than a friend would, Hand; never pull away first. Knee;...well that's really all you need to do there.

Show- Don't be scared to show it in public, just be subtle. Sit next to him in groups, say his name when talking, bring him a treat, or make him something, show you think he stands out. If you were listening when he answered your questions then you should have a good idea of how to make him feel special.

~Let them know we're interested~

Ladies we have one job let's start doing it. Correctly this time.

Have Fun Dating Girls.