Thursday, February 28, 2013

Why am I still here?

So I have a new job it is, so far, very nice and easy.
I go to my old ward (church congregation) People have been nice to me and the world is back where it should be...
I am where I should be. I just wish I knew the reason why I should be here and not somewhere else? Have you ever had the feeling something amazing is about to happen? Like it's just around the corner and you just know it's going to be the best thing ever?
I feel that way. But I am caught between excitement and anxiety. What if I'm just making it up in my mind and I'm supposed to be this whole other person?
Keeping the faith is harder than you think...Why am I always in the middle?
 A man can't walk in the middle of the road he must choose go to the right or to the left if he walks in the middle he gets hit!
 I feel like I am a grass is greener on the other side kind of girl... But as I run from the left side of the road to the right side, I fear that I can only dodge traffic for so long.
I mean really, if your grass is good than who cares whether the other side's grass is hot pink,neon, or turkey flavored?
My grass is good. And getting better everyday. So the restlessness is just going to have be patient. There are lust fields here on my side. And I have no need to run. To or from anything.

Thanks for reading my little rant it feels good to be writing again; Helps clear my head.
What helps you clear your head?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Back to Reality

So I'm sorry I couldn't post anymore pictures of Ukraine but the website won't let me post any more. But I'm home now. I'm so happy to be home now.
I have my old job back and while it's hard work keeping up with everything I'm really happy I have a good work environment.
I miss Ukraine and the friends I made there.
I'm so glad that I get to spend time with my niece and nephew. I love them so much and it's so nice to be around my Sister and my brother and their families. I still miss my dad and brother Heath. as they're off in Alaska.
I don't like that they are far away, now that I'm here.
I miss them a lot.
Everything is right on track with my life...we'll see how long it will last.

Time to go home

I've had such an amazing experience. Living in Ukraine has been the worst/best time of my life. I wonder how much I have changed.
Have I grown?