Monday, May 28, 2012


I am Having a hard time focusing lately...
I feel like I have so much on my mind and yet nothing seems to stick.
Here are the things I have going...
Foremost is I am going to Russia with ILP to help lower income children learn English. I only have a few months to get every thing together including a $2,520 program fee not to mention if I want to see any sites I have to pay with my own money...
I have to find a place to keep my stuff while I'm gone for four months and my Dog...Ans as previously noted in older post I have a lot of stuff....
I am working part rime at a Paint Store and am just getting over some rough times there things are looking WAY better than they were a month ago but still...
I am LDS and I have a calling(a responsibility I do for the church), I LOVE my calling and want to do lots with it I even have a committee! But time is short when we can all get together...
I also am single and want a social life!
I I have fundraisers for Russia in the works Thanks to some friends those are looking better...
I have Cakes this month out the Wazoo! Including a wedding cake I'm super happy to be on!
And I have a promise to keep to my Dad about stories for all his grand kids so I am writing/illustrating in all my so-called spear time...
I'm lucky I have good friends and The Ranch to come to.
 And my Super awesome family who have dome TONS to help me! Thank you every one!
I'm up north happy to see my Dad I have missed him and my brother Heath SOOO much it's not even funny!
Well I am learning that how I deal with stress is not very healthy so I need some new ideas any suggestions?