Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I'm back again

So I am in Mesa, for who knows how much longer as my house will be gone in January.

I am still good friends with Josh.

I no long speak with E.

Heath is doing great in UT.

Marlo is pregnant with a little baby boy!

Coltons wife Meghan gave birth to my first Niece, Thae Olivia Flake. Red headed and so cute!

And As for me, I am working (that's good news) I am a sales representative at Space Age Auto Paint. Even have cards to prove it!

I'm single. Which is fine for now. Still writing and trying to stay positive. It's working so far. I miss Heath but I got to see him last month.

I'm going to go back to school. Just more writing classes as I'm sure you've noticed I need help with grammar and spelling. Hopefully I will be able to get a good recommendation for an adventure I hope I will be blogging about soon. But for now I will keep you all in suspense. I went to Time Out For Women and the theme was "Choose to Become" and what is it I chose to become?
A finisher. I have been a quitter for a very long time (like since childhood). I want to be the type of person who sets a goal and reaches it, who starts a project and finishes it, and who has a dream and Makes it come true.
I am ready for a new chapter in my life. Not to disregard any of the old chapters, but to simply keep this story moving.
AWWE feels so good!
There was a long period of time where I never thought I would ever say this again. But I am stronger now.
So, once again, I am here, and I am happy to be me.