Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How To Train Your Man

Girls: Session One

Be a lady and so they can be a gentleman.

Girls complain that there are no gentlemen left and that chivalry is dead. To this I say,
Really? When was the last time you waited until a guy opened your door? When was the last time you used proper manners at the table? (I'll give you a dollar if you can point out a salad fork) When was the last time you acted like a lady?

Why is it that girls can say "Act like a gentleman," and men must hop-to-it, but if a guy were to say "Act like a lady," it would be taken as some horrific insult?

*Because he is a gentleman and you are not a lady, that's why.* ...Cough... Moving on.

Let men be gentlemen.  It's not that you can't do it for yourself. It's that men need opportunities to practice if they are ever to become true gentleman.

If a guy asks to carry your things LET HIM.
If a guy asks to pay for your food LET HIM.
If a guy tries to open your door LET HIM.
If a guy compliments you LET HIM!
If a guy tries to help you LET HIM.

Again, it doesn't mean you're helpless it means that you trust him. And men need women to put more faith in the them.Expect great things and you'll see great things. 

 In order for men to be men, women must be women. The more we pervert the soft and hard roles of women and men, the more low-class jerks we create.

Lastly on this subject, DRESS like a lady. 
You can't attract a 'good man' when you're dressed like a 'bad girl'.
In short:
You dress like a slut, and you'll attract guys who are looking for sluts. The math really is that simple.


Have Fun Dating girls

End of Session One